Apr 19, 2011 | Engagements

I’m so happy that it’s finally beginning to feel like spring around here.Β  Spring equals prettier colors, lots more light, and the possibility of trekking through woodland to secluded beaches for engagement photos.Β  I did just that with the gorgeous Kat and Alex this past Thursday, and I love the images we created.Β  I’m going to try something new this season: less talk.Β  We’ll see how that goes …

Thank you, Alex and Kat, for a really fun afternoon exploring the beach and woods – I can’t wait for your wedding in Rhode Island this summer! If you’re a newly engaged couple wanting some kick-ass wedding and engagement photos, view my portfolio here; if you’re more interested in kids and pets, click here; follow me on Facebook here … or contact me here!


  1. Okay so I’m biased (Kat’s sister) but these photos are awesome. I’m jealous πŸ™‚

  2. Hi Kelli! Thank you so much for finding me for Kat and Alex … really looking forward to seeing you again at the wedding πŸ™‚

  3. LOVE THEM!!! Thank you Kate for such a fun time and beautiful job!

  4. Thank YOU guys for your gorgeousness and sense of fun πŸ™‚

  5. Oooooo!!!!! Yet another winner! Is this that pretty place you told me about? I love the ones of them cuddling on the beach and the wide angle shot with the grass and ocean. Such prettiness!

  6. Gorgeous, gorgeous…and did I mention gorgeous?! Great shots yet again Kate! I do have to say I miss the ‘talk’ with these stunners though… πŸ˜‰

  7. Corey, it is that place. Pretty, huh? πŸ™‚ Tracy, the talk may not be gone forever. I want to try not breaking up the images though. Maybe there will be more talk at the beginning or end for future posts … what do you think?

  8. I miss the talk too. I like how you tell a story through out the pictures when you post them. I guess if I had to pick begining or end, I would pick end. At the start I usually just want to get to the pretty pictures πŸ™‚

  9. I understand you not wanting to break up the images, but like Karrie mentioned it was the ‘story’ behind the pictures that helped me (you) feel like I getting to know the couple just by what you were saying and what the pictures were saying.

  10. OK, more talk will come back. πŸ™‚ But probably at the end of the post. Thanks so much for your feedback ladies, it is much appreciated!


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