Please choose a cover material from the following cover options. Please note that some fabrics (marked †) are subject to an upgrade fee. These fabrics include the luxury leather nubuck collection. Also to note: if you would like to have your names debossed on the front cover, some fabrics (marked **) do not work well with debossing. If you would like your names debossed, please choose a different material. In general, debossing works best with the luxury leather nabuks, and the regular leathers.
† upgrade charge of $40 for luxe material
** material not suited to debossing – do not choose this material if you would like to include your names on the album cover
Luxury Leather Nubuck Collection
Nubuck (pronounced /ˈnjuːbʌk/) is a top-grain cattle leather that has been sanded or buffed on the grain side, or outside, producing a velvet-like surface. It is similar to suede, but thicker and more durable. It is the top of the line cover material for the Signature and Luxe albums I offer, and is available for a small upgrade charge of $50.
These beautiful fine Italian leathers are a wonderful cover choice for your album, and are included in the base price. Leathers are classic and durable, and my recommended choice of cover if you’re torn between the leathers and the silks. Please note that the final four leathers (Coffe Bean, Pinecone, Maple and Crema) feature heavy grains and are therefore much less suited to debossing (but look and feel absolutely gorgeous!) For these materials I recommend choosing a cover cameo image instead of debossing your names on the cover ($40 upgrade).
Another classic yet modern choice for your album cover is one of these lovely Japanese silks. Please note that each color has its own particular texture, and some are more suited to debossing than others. It is recommended that you do not deboss your names on the cover if you choose the following colors: Midnight Black, Powder Blue. Overall, cameo images are a better choice than name debossing for the silk covers. Cameo images are a $40 upgrade.
Fabrics & Linens
This collection includes additional Japanese silks as well as the natural linens. In general, these fabrics feature rich texture, and as such are not as well suited to name debossing. An optional cover cameo photo is recommended as an alternative to debossing. Cover cameos are a $40 upgrade.
Debossing Fonts
If you’d like to add your names to the album cover, please choose one of the following fonts. My favorites are Edinburgh (small letters or all capitals), and Devon (capital letters). I recommend using either all capital letters, or all small letters, for a clean and modern look. The ampersand (&) is available in all fonts, or you can spell out the word “and” (recommended if your names are shorter).
Note that debossing is always blind debossing, meaning that the letters are not filled with color. Debossing is therefore somewhat subtle, and very clean and modern. Debossing is only available for full size Signature and Luxe albums, not on the smaller 6″ parent albums.
Name debossing is centered in the middle the album, or, if a cover cameo image is added, centered close to the bottom edge of the cover.
Finally, debossing works great with leather covers; for silk and linen covers I recommend a cover cameo image instead.
Cover Cameo
You may also choose to add a cover cameo to your album, in addition to, or in place of, debossing. Cover cameos are cut-outs in the center of the cover, with a favorite image placed inside the cutout. Cover cameos cost $40 plus tax and are a great way to personalize your wedding album. Cameos are only available for full size Signature and Luxe albums, not on the smaller 6″ parent albums. Cameos work great with all album cover materials.